I know this may be the furthest thing from your mind and I hate to break it to you, but school starts will coming.  If you are like me, I can honestly say that this summer flew by.  I didn’t hang “outside” as much as I thought.  I went to a few parties and went to FL, but that’s about it.  

Nonetheless, I want to share with you some tips on how to prepare for school in the summer.  I promise the suggestions are not hard to accomplish, it's simply readjusting your mindset.  It’s important to readjust your mindset when it comes to school, because no matter what you can't, you can’t avoid going to school.  Forreal, there's no way around it sis!

The only thing I looked forward to when it came to going back to school was the two obvious ones -- back to school shopping and receiving my schedule in the mail.  I remember calling all my friends asking what time their classes were. Then once I went to high school, my mom allowed me to shop by myself.  She would drop me off at the mall with my set amount of cash and I was free to buy whatever I wanted for school.  Of course, my outfits had to be appropriate, but I just loved walking through the mall with all my little bags filled with my outfits.  

But going back to school is more than just receiving your schedule in the mail and going shopping.  Entering in a new grade is a new opportunity to have a clean slate.  You can change habits that didn’t work for you in the previous year such as going to bed super late, not studying, waking up 10 minutes before the bus comes, not trying new after school activities/clubs. 

Back to school will coming, the most thing I think ,you need to get you more beautiful to be the new school life, and enjoy the colorful new lift. I think you need to get a human hair wig. Follow me.

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